Who decides for you when you can’t?
On January 1st, 2013, the new Adult Protection Law came into force and this concerns everybody living in Switzerland. The law is designed to govern the facilitation of self-determination and strengthen the solidarity within the family through statutory rights of representation. In particular, the Administration for Children & Families (Kinder- und Erwachsenenschutzbehörde KESB) replaced the former Guardianship Authority (Vormundschaftsbehörde).
You can contact me here:
Barbara Schaerz
+41 (0)79 884 15 62
What does this mean?
In order to prevent government intervention in case of impaired power of judgment (e.g. caused by dementia, illness, or an accident) you need an advance disposition. Unfortunately, such a situation can occur anytime.
In this document, you appoint a legal representative. This person must possess your absolute trust, because, in case of impaired power of judgment, this person (of age) will determine your life to a large extent.
With my expertise and personal experience I can help you and make sure that all legal requirements are met. The advance disposition is a crucial topic and should not be procrastinated.
I’m holding lectures on this subject. Upon request, I will be happy to hold lectures at your company, club etc.
I provide all documents in English and I offer support across Switzerland. Please contact me to arrange an informal discussion – with no obligations for you.
This concerns everybody living in Switzerland. Maybe now is the time to take care of this matter!